
Best Stomp Pads For Snowboards X22 Snowboarding

Laax, 1'020 m.ue.M. - Ein Ferienort, der seinen Dorfcharakter mit pittoresken Buendner Haeusern hat bewahren koennen. Der Ortsname leitet sich ab vom romanischen "ils lags" zu deutsch die Seen, von denen heute nur noch der Laaxersee besteht. Laax, 1,020 meters above sea level - A vacation resort that has been able to preserve its village character with many picturesque houses typical for the Grisons area. The name Laax derives from the Romansch "ils lags" which means the lakes, today only one of these lake remains intact: the Lake of Laax. Copyright by: By-line: swiss-image.chX22 Snowboarding Makes The Best Stomp Pads For Snowboards


Laax Resort Profile



X22 Snowboarding, who are the makers of the best stomp pads for snowboards, are highlighting the top snowboarding destinations in the world. Grabunden, Switzerland is home to Laax, a ski and snowboarding destination located in the district of Surselva. Laax is part of the Weisse Arena Gruppe, which also includes the resorts of Flims  and Falera. Laax is the largest of the resorts. Laax has been highly regarded among European snowboarders for many years now, and it attracts many international riders every year.


There are 29 lifts which feed 235km. of pistes. There is  a good balance of easy, intermediate, and advanced terrain. Laax is known as one of the top freestyle resorts in Europe. There are four snowparks, two of which are world-class. The No Name Snowpark is home to the longest continuous halfpipe in the world, measuring out at 200 meters in length.


Laax is also home to the excellent Freestyle Academy, where riders can practice tricks and jumps in an indoor facility while landing safely in a foam pit. Laax has also hosted the Burton European Open snowboarding competition for over a decade. Laax also boasts a modern, efficient lift system, including several high-speed gondolas. Laax is one of the best snowboarding destinations in the world.


Where To Go If You Want The Best Stomp Pads For Snowboards


Go to to see the best stomp pads for snowboards ever made. The X22 Spike Pads were made by a snowboarder, and are equipped with 1/2 inch silver-coated stainless steel spikes which lock into the bottom of the snowboarders boot to provide an unprecedented level of control and stability when getting off of the chairlift. If you are looking for the best stomp pads for snowboards, X22 Snowboarding has them. You have never seen or used stomp pads like these before. They come in several rad designs and finishes and look great on any snowboard. Go to to see the best stomp pads for snowboards.

best stomp pads for snowboardsstomp pads for snowboards

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